About This Game Con Amore is a short and sweet combination of visual novel games and dating simulations. It's a story of the young protagonist, Claudia, who wants to become a great musician.One day Claudia finds herself in the middle of a booming music business where her courage is truly challenged. Shape Claudia's story with your own decisions and help her realize her dreams while finding her true love!Features: Romantic story with music theme 51 Different choices 4 Different endings + 2 Special endings Relationship points Romanceable characters Cute Dress up Game CG Gallery 7aa9394dea Title: Con AmoreGenre: Casual, Indie, SimulationDeveloper:Team TajuPublisher:WronghutRelease Date: 28 Nov, 2015 Con Amore Crack And Patch File Download Odd dress-up, dating sim.Thumbs down because there are no steam cards, despite what the store page says.. This is a short visual novel\/dating sim. I liked the mini dress up game, and the characters were ok. Con Amore might be a good game for people that are starting to get into VNs since it\u2019s pretty simple and straight forward. However, if you\u2019re looking for a \u201cdeeper plot\u201d, you won\u2019t get it from this title. It\u2019s just simple and cute, that\u2019s it. The art style for the sprites was ok, but I didn\u2019t liked the CGs so much\u2026 and the BGM was ok too. Overall, get this title on a very good sale; I found it extremely overpriced for just a few hours of gameplay. But I don\u2019t regret buying this VN, like I said before, it\u2019s simple and cute. Good luck to the developers with their next projects!5\/10.. badly drawn, poor story, and awful conclusion.. Disclaimer: I bought this for the Yuri content. That is the route I played and that is what I base my opinion on. There will be no spoilers.The art is easy on the eyes. No complaints here. Until the romance pic. That one was of a different style. The style of someone who draws really poorly. Either it was done by a different artist (in which case it was a horrible idea and it should've been redone by the one who drew all the other art) or the regular artist was drunk or something (in which case it should've been redrawn on a better day).There is very little music and virtually no sounds. That was surprising for a game about a budding musician. What little there is fits the overall style and mood of the game though.The choices are mostly straightforward (which I personally prefer in visual novels) but there are some where you can't tell in advance what will happen. This aspect of the game was well thought out.The story is lighthearted, but there are no jokes or intentionally comedic situations. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I just thought it worth mentioning. I haven't explored all choices and I do not plan to (only interested in one route). What I did see of the story was enjoyable.The Yuri route was disappointing. It is the (sadly all too common) 'straight girl sees her friend in a different light at the very end' trope. The vast majority of scenes between the girls are strictly friendship with very little hint of anything more. My advice is to spare your money if you're only intereseted in the girl-girl route.Otherwise it is worth checking out as the straight routes seem to be a lot more engaging.. As a fan of music, I am enjoying this visual novel. I do recommend this for my fellow music lovers but the problem is that I was not a fan of the ending with Bea.. Con Amore is a sweet otome game about an aspiring musician who wants to make it big, with two male routes and one female route it is quite short. It is straightforward and easy to play and the art style is nice. It is a very casual game compared to those you may have played before if you are a die hard fan. While the story is there it doesn't delve into much detail and is pretty vague, I would recommend it however if you are at all interested I would advise getting it in the sale. You'd be lucky to get a few hours gameplay out of it like I did and I replayed all the routes at least once. http:\/\/steamcommunity.com\/sharedfiles\/filedetails\/?id=1328412940. Short and sweet story, I wasn't expecting too much based on the other reviews but some times it's good to have a break inbetween playing lengthier games of this type to enjoy a simple and quick story. I felt there were a few additional opportunities for CGs e.g. the scene in the park with the dog (trying to keep this vague so as not to spoil anything!) but yeah... you pretty much just get 1 CG cutscene per route, and a bonus additional CG if you get their love meter to max before the end of the story. At least that's how it seemed to me based on my two play-throughs so far. At least I will be able to complete this game and get all the routes in a short time which is nice...I realize others would rather have a longer game esp for the price though I did get my copy on sale, and I would recommend waiting for a sale if you are interested. But oddly I find I rarely complete longer drawn-out games of this nature to get all route CGs\/achievements (I'm lookin' at you, Backstage Pass!) maybe due to my short ADHD attention span, LOL.I really enjoyed the dress up aspect though it seemed to have little bearing on the story though it seems there might be an achievement or two for wearing a certain item at a certain time. I experimented a little bit but didn't get those yet. I wish you could somehow get additional clothes as you progress, that would be fun. But again I realize it's not just a dressing up thing, it's an otome game. xD I also wish the yuri route (yes there is 1!) would be more fleshed out. Also wish you got to see Zeal's face... he seems like such a key person (well, sorta...) in the story, so why would they not illustrate him at least as a side character? Hmm.. but I guess for the price (that I paid) I can't complain too much. The music was good and well timed and not too overbearing or annoying. Someone commented they hoped for more music in a game about a musician...I don't disagree with that, but I felt that it was acceptable as is too. Regarding the art... I didn't mind it. It's a different style... though the CGs are definitely drawn differently, LOL. I found that Daniel's CGs actually looked quite nice and (IMHO) better than the usual style of art, whereas the yuri route CGs seemed worse than the usual art. IDK... might just be my personal preference though. Lastly, I had no idea this game was originally in Swedish! The translator did a great job, kudos!! :). Quick, fun little visual novel. It is about a girl who aspires to become a musician. This is the tale of how it happens... and if she finds love along the way.While I would suggest getting this on discount, as I did, it is still a great story.. I've never played any game of this genre and I'm not sure if I like this type of games. But maybe it's a good education material to learn the Finnish language?
Con Amore Crack And Patch File Download
Updated: Mar 17, 2020